Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I know I don't give this blog the attention that it deserves, but you know; that seems to be happening a lot these days, I don't seem to be able to give anything attention.

This is what I wanted to discuss today, why can't I focus on anything unless it's on fire..... or falling apart. At first I thought it was the dreaded Menopause, and yes it does make you absentminded, and at time dimwitted. However I thought I would be able to conquer that with knowledge, HAHAHA.  Can't increase your knowledge on anything, if you can't focus.
So I decided to follow the guidelines, less caffeine, more water, meditation, prayer, changed diet, did I say prayer, because I do that alot. But the hot flashes still continue and the depression deepens, and I just cant focus.

I also went the neuro route, you know exercise the brain; read , do puzzles , have sex... did not work , still not working.

So now I am going to write about it, maybe my experiences can make someone laugh.....

I spend hours crocheting items that cant hold my interest for my than a minute after I am done, I read books I don't like just to be able to follow a storyline, and I cant watch any commercials, because then I cant focused on the program I was watching. My brain goes on a tangent, that seems to have a mind of their own. If is I see an  ad about soap this is what is triggered in my head, ooh soap, that would be nice to buy , and maybe you can get some towels, but not blue because the bathroom is beige and then you will have to paint. Cant paint this month because you would have to clean the room in order to move the stuff from the bathroom, and you did not see any bins on sale when you bought the soap , so you cant clean the hallway closet to put the stuff that's in the room away , Oh wait I didn't get the soap, what soap are you talking about. Now you get depressed because you cant remember why you needed to buy towels, and you didn't pay attention to the television and now the show is over.

This goes on in head all day. Example: I was looking for a pattern for a shawl , when I realized I had not posted in this blog for a minute, and I stopped to write this... now to remember why I am looking for a shawl pattern......told you menopause sucks....

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